High Quality Early Learning & Child Care


Preschool 1 for children ages 3 - 4

Pre-Kindergarten for children ages 4 - 5

At this age children are very eager to learn. We provide them with our proven curriculum that promotes positive development in every skill. Our experienced teachers take an active role in each child's development. We prepare weekly, theme-based lesson plans. Our plans are based on the interests of the children and stages of both the individual child and the group. According to several local Kindergarten teachers, the children that went to preschool at Angela's Circle of Friends were well prepared for kindergarten and had a very successful year.

Daily schedules and routines keep consistency and help build trust that is necessary from this age group. Our curriculum consists of language development, small and large motor development, emotional and social development and cognitive development. Outdoor playtime is given every day (weather permitting).

Phonetic awareness is promoted through books, songs, and activities. Letter and word recognition and tracking from left to right and top to bottom are shown and practiced to build reading skills. We begin to build on their vocabularies and focus on names, numbers and letters. We also focus on shapes and sound recognition.

Large motor skills are practiced daily by dancing, exercising, climbing, kicking balls, running, etc.

Fine motor skills are practiced with games, writing, cutting, play dough, gluing, and coloring.

Our teachers understand and acknowledge that at this age individual identity is beginning to develop. Children are encouraged to identify their own feelings as well as empathize with the feelings of others. We teach with an emphasis on self-expression and self-direction while at the same time learning to follow rules and directions.

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